Bar Carts by Safavieh

33 products

Collection: Bar Carts by Safavieh

Safavieh’s kitchen and bar carts balance fashion and function for the modern home. The classic vintage feel of Safavieh kitchen carts would impress any dinner host, with features such as wine racks, bottle racks, spindle wheels, drawers and shelves. Our rolling bar carts are great for the at-home bartender or wine lover who wishes to keep their collection on hand for easy access.

Safavieh’s kitchen and bar carts balance fashion and function for the modern home. The classic vintage feel of Safavieh kitchen carts would impress any dinner host, with features such as wine racks, bottle racks, spindle wheels, drawers and shelves. Our rolling bar carts are great for the at-home bartender or wine lover who wishes to keep their collection on hand for easy access.

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